Feeding a Coral Beauty?


New Member
I just got a coral beauty yesterday and tried to feed it a cube today. My lemon damsels got to it first and dragged the cube under some rocks. (greedy little things-I had just fed them!They just wanted to play with it.) I am afraid the coral beauty is going to starve. Any advice on how to give it the cube and not the others?


Active Member
What do you mean by cube. Are you feeding them frozen? If so you thaw it out in some tank water first then feed a little at a time so everyone gets some.


New Member
Oops...guess it helps to be specific...
Its a frozen cube of pygmy angel food that I put in tank water for about 20 minutes. Unfortunately, it didn't break apart like the cubes of shrimp.


my advice would be to trade in the damsels for another fish.


New Member
They are some of my original fish. I had 3 larger damsels that were aggressive but I couldn't part with them. All of them died about a month ago and now I thought I was going to have a peaceful tank finally. Maybe I'll try to distract them and drop the cube by the coral beauty. He's pretty tiny but so colorful.


Is the cube gel based? It sounds like it is. Pick up a different kind, or break it apart with your fingers and add the pieces at different spots in the tank so that the angel can get some too.