Feeding a coral Beauty


i have a coral beauty angel fish, had it for about a day now and im trying to feed it frozen brine thats prepared with spriulina algae, which my clown eats and everything ive read says that they should eat it but the beauty will go after it, look at it then turn away... should i just keep trying to feed it that until he takes it or should i try something else?


Active Member
it could still be acclimating. give it a few days until it gets comfortable. personally i like feeding mysis shrimps better.


how many days should i wait? this is day 3 and it still wont tank the brine... does the same thing. i dont want him to starve!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MattH2181
how many days should i wait? this is day 3 and it still wont tank the brine... does the same thing. i dont want him to starve!
Do you have plenty of mature live rock and is the CB grazing on the rock? Brine loaded with spirulina is a good choice; but 3 days is way to early to worry. Fish can last much longer and it is common for new fish to go well beyond 3 days before eating. Try some frozen mysiss and a sheet of dried algae. Also, is he getting bullied? What other fish do you have and are they eating well?


yea theres 10 pounds of live rock in the tank thats been there for around a month. and as for other fish theres only a clown fish, the two of them dont bother one another, the CB swims freely even near the clown fishes "bed" which dug under some live rock and the clown doesnt do anything, they dont to to interact at all it seems. i noticed today he eats some of what i put in then will swim up to more of it and turns away.. kinda interesting. but i guess ill give it some time. thanks for the replies, if any one else has any ideas feel free to post them!