Originally Posted by fogger
I have had mine for 3 weeks, wondering if feeding him 3 krill in the morning and 3 in the afternoon is too much?
He is 3.5 inches
thanks for any help
your puffer is going to need to eat much more variety of other foods besides krill.once a day should sufice in feeding him if hes housed with other fish that get foed more often you may find him nibbling at ther food left behind in the substrate.i also strongly reccomend adding cc to the substrate if your using sand now yes i know all about the myths of cc but i do also know the benefits it has to offer puffers they love to chew on this stuff which helps keep their teeth naturall filed more than offering hard shelled foods for them to eat.as for suggested foods for you puffer .foods best for him are krill silverslides,squid,scallops,crab meat (raw not immitation) shrimp(raw) even mysis shrimp(very high in protien)this fed frozen as a chunk. all other foods fully thawed. each type of these foods has a differnt diet than each other which ensures your fish is getting all of its required nutrients .i alternate what food to give each night this also stops the fish from becomming bored with his foods.i aslo soak all foods in garlic extreme(vit C and selcon vit C amino acids and B12)