feeding a dwarf lion fish?


I just got a new dwarf lion fish and was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to feed him. I have flake food, krill or shrip pellets. Im not sure he is getting any food? Do I need to do anything special or will he just eat when hes hungry?
How can i save my tank stats so they appear on every message?


I had to feed him live feeder fish at first, but after a couple of days he would except freeze dried krill and silver slides he loves those. You could also try a little garlic juice. Here is a pic of mine.


Isnt feeding saltwater fish feeder fish bad for them? Thats what I've read something about the amnio acids...So do I just drop the krill in the tank, or should I hand feed him. He is just sitting at the bottom of the tank not doing much, so Im not quite sure how to feed him?


yes feeding feeder fish is not the healthest....however sometimes this is the only way to start them off eating. I can drop the krill in the tank next to him and he will grab it, but only if the trigger does'nt snag it first. Sometimes i use chop sticks to feed him if I worried about the trigger stealing it.


Active Member
Long term feeding of live feeders like goldfish can cause problems, or, for those that disagree...at least accept feeding this Pacific salt water fish Asian freshwater carp is nothing close to a natural diet (not to mention expensive...and have you ever seen a feeder goldfish tank? Yikes, what disease are you introducing!).
But these dwarf lions can be tough to get to feed. One of those cases where it is best to make sure they are feeding well at the LFS. You can try ghost shrimp as well. Or I suppose you can try to convince the lion the food is alive. EG by holding a krill or silverside with forceps or something and jiggling it around (as if it is alive).
FWIW, flake food will not work with these guys. I don't think shrimp pellets will either.
However, I have never personally tried this sort of thing. I am going to move this to aggressive to see if there is more advice as well. A link should stay here too, just expanding the audience a bit!


How often should I feed my dwarf? Still no luck on frozen. he only eats live ghost shrimp. I have tried krill in garlic juice, and dead ghost shrimp, no luck. Unless it is alive, he isnt interested. Any ideas?


I have had ghost shrimp pop up after 2 days. The shrimp came out, got eaten. My dwarf seems to sit in a top corner of my tank, and is "bleached" in color. Any thoughts? I cant het him off live ghost, he wont eat anything else. I have tried, smely, krill, garlic pellets. and I mde pure garlic juice to soak the frozen stuff in. He only seems interested if it tries to get away. Adam