Feeding a foxface


I purchased a foxface about 1.5 months ago. He is doing great, but I'm just curious about how much to feed him and how often. I'm currently feeding twice a day(as per LFS). I mix it up between clams, flake, and seaweed. His favorites so far are the clams and the flake. He constantly acts like he is hungry, he is always begging for food(just like my porc puffer). Am I feeding him correctly or should I be doing something different? My tank is a 150G with a porc puffer, foxface, and a clown. Theyy are all close and stay almost constantly together. The puffer has found a buddy to help beg for food. :notsure:


Active Member
foxfaces relation to the tang family have the same dietary needs they are herbivores but require 2 -5 daily feedings of 75% plant and veggie(algae) based foods and 25 % meaty for protien..these fish are natural grazers so yes they will eat all day long if the food is avalable.i hope this helps


they will nip at zoos if you have him in a reef tank...i used to feed my scribble rabbit once a day and leave a sheet of seeweed and that seemed to be good.


Thanks for the help, I'm going to start leaving seaweed in there for him to graze on during the day. :thinking:


Active Member
If your commited to always having a fox face I would look for some Botryocladia skotsbergii on a nice chunk of liverock. Botryocladia skotsbergii is like green bubble algae but its a semi firm reddish / cyan colored bubble / sac, that foxface consider candy. They love the stuff. I had some liverock that was infested with this stuff and nothing I did got rid of it. It spread very easy, and used to grow rampant. Added a tank which nibbled on it, but preferred other stuff to graze on. Swapped tang for foxface and it rarely ever leaves the Botryocladia skotsbergii for long. It loves the stuff. It keeps it under control and the fish is kept well fed. Nice thing about this red bubble looking algae is its benefical to a system, and is not as invasive as valonia (green bubble algae) and under actinics or lunar lights it floresces beautifully.....


I noticed yesterday that when I fed my puffer silversides the foxface would attack the leftovers. I fed the puffer today and then put a small piece of silverside in the tank in front of the foxface and he just devoured it and then came looking for more. Are these OK for a foxface? :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by leftyblite
I noticed yesterday that when I fed my puffer silversides the foxface would attack the leftovers. I fed the puffer today and then put a small piece of silverside in the tank in front of the foxface and he just devoured it and then came looking for more. Are these OK for a foxface? :notsure:
yes they are perfctly fine for your foxface although herbivores their diet requires 75% veggie and 25% meaty foods for protein to be healthy this is daily requirments