Feeding a SFE


Ok, so I've now had my SFE for a week. He's only about 6 inches, but probably my favorite addition to my tank so far. I've read that I shoud feed him like a pig twice a week, but my lfs said I should feed a little bit every day. I have been feeding him about 1/2 a silverside that I have chopped up, every day. Is this sufficient, or should I change his feeding schedule? He is a Pic of the little guy....


it is common practice to feed them what they will take about every other day, but a little bit every day might be okay. the thing is that feeding it until it's full ensures that it gets enough to eat, but doing that every day may lead to problems.
as far as the silversides: its good that the eel is eating them. if the eel accepts silversides it should also accept krill, squid, clam, and other meaty foods, and variety is the spice of life.


I did 2-3 times a week a good amount, but not too much, and mine did great
are you soaking in garlic or using any vitamins or supplements? if not you should.
Try pieces of fish, SW ONLY!!, squid, clam, oyster, small fish, sacllop, shrimp, octo, and every once in a while i would catch some live fish or snails for him to eat. NEreef is right on with the variety thing.


And what are those silver things in the picture? if they are cut up silversides then i should tell you to feed him one piece at a time to keep from producing waste or overfeeding.


I haven't been soaking his food. I guess I can look into it. As for the silver things, they are cut up pieces of a silverside. The picture was taken the first time I fed him and I cut up the pieces so small because I wasn't sure how big he could eat. I have since learned he can eat much larger peices and feed them to him on a toothpick.


ok thats good, as for soaking his food just buy a clove of garlic and beat it into a conatiner of fresh water and let it sit. then thaw the food item out in it for a while and ur good to go. you can also buy the minced garlic or kents if you dont want to mash it.
Are you trying any new foods?


I think my lfs only has the silver sides. Do you just get the squid, clam etc at a regular store? I would be afraid they put some kind of preservatives or something in it that would be bad for my tank. Funny, I worry about that, buy special wazoo water for my fish, yet I feed just about anything to my kids and make them drink tap water.


thats what this hobby does to people,
anyway if you buy it FRESh (not frozen) from the seafood departments of any store they are just fine and needed for your eels happiness and well being
Ex: Ralph's or Krogers i believe would carry these items