feeding a snowflake moray

lord fu fu

I was wondering what you all feed your snoflake moray eels
. I am buying one today and i plan on using frozen shrimp and maybe some feeder gold fish (since freshwater diesese dies off in saltwater) what do you all think? and as always sdvice and experiences welcome.

small triggers

Active Member
no need to feed live foods (unless you really want him to be hunting in your tank, they cannot easily discern tank mates from food). SO full frozen krill, silversides, squid parts, mussels, parts of cut up fish,,


Yap, I agree I would not feed live fish to him.
When I had mine he ate pretty much everything I offered him Krill,silversides,shrimp etc.
They are alot of fun.might get another one someday.Mine ate right out of my hand.

crypt keeper

Active Member
How big is it? never feed any saltwaterfish goldfish. They all full of fat. I feed my Fimby every few weeks live damsels. I give the damsels a 10 minute freshwater bath. This will kill most diseases. They become food very shortly after that. Octopus squid clams ghost shrimp all that stuff is good. Silversids are great I also have fed sand eels. They are skinny and work well for smaller eels


Originally Posted by small triggers
no need to feed live foods (unless you really want him to be hunting in your tank, they cannot easily discern tank mates from food). SO full frozen krill, silversides, squid parts, mussels, parts of cut up fish,,
- They are beautiful but blind as hell but smell quite well.
I get a chunk of shrimp, or scallp, or whatever on the tongs. Then I feed the rest of the tank. He quickly comes out when he smells food, and takes whatever is on the end of the tongs. If I also drop a shrimp on the bottom of the tank, near the rocks, he will find that and drag it away. But I prefer the tongs. If you keep feeding him live then anything in your tank will become fair game. They learn to look for the tongs very easily if you wave it in front of them for the first few times.


Active Member
I have a 10 inch one now. I had to get a replacement for the one I had when everything died in my tank. Mine will eat squid Sliversides Krill and loves his shrimp but leaves my cleaner shrmp alone.


mine eats silversides and krill.
today i went and bought garlic. i soaked some krill in it and fed my other fish. then i used a feeding stick to try and feed the eel. i never seen anything like this, he smelled the garlic and after i fed him a silverside, my puffer had one half way in his mouth, the eel swam up and ripped it out of his mouth and swam away like a bat out of hell. it was pretty funny, when he smelled the garlic he was going nuts looking for food.


Use Hikari silversides, they are individually packaged, much neater, less messy than the horrid san fransisco brand.
I feeed mine (16 inches) 2 silversides one day and a piece of raw shrimp the next.


You dont want to feed your fish/eels goldfish. Goldfish are very dirty fish and will cause holes in your eels head. Plus, feeding live food will keep them aggressive. My eel (yellow headed moray - 14") was pretty aggressive when I feed him live food. It would be difficult to add new fish to the tank cause he would go after them. He killed a $60 fish in 3 minutes after I put him in. Marked that up as an expensive meal
. After that incident, I feed him silversides, and he calmed down tremendously after that.

lord fu fu

wow haha thanks all my interent was down past few days an di cant believe how many posts i got....so i am getting the no live food vibe
i havent WITNESSED him eat shrimp but he is doing well (swims around in the mornings) so i should feed silversides? do i get those from my lfs?