Feeding a wrasse


New Member
I have a 4" lunar wrasse who doesnt seem to be eating. I've tried both standard and frozen options (ie squid, shrimp etc.) Because of the aggresive nature of this fish, I of coarse do not have any invetabrates in the tank. I have heard stories of these fish ripping thru crabs and shrimp like butter. This would be an expensive feeding option. Last time I was at my LFS, I noticed freshwater crabs for about a buck each. Could I throw a couple of these into the tank for him to chew on? Am I better not mixing the freshwater critters into the salt? Any advice would be extemely helpful.


do not feed freshwater anything to a saltwater fish, it's unnatural, and will cause problems in the future.
If he's not eating, try enticing him with live food, if you have access to it. Also, you can add garlic extreme to your frozen food, which should send him into a feeding frenzy.
What frozen foods have you tried? I feed my fairy wrasse "marine cuisine", and he goes crazy for it. Try calling your LFS and find out what they were feeding him...