Feeding a Yellow Tang


New Member
Question, I just got a medium sized Yellow Tang the other day and I was told that I could feed him a varity of foods; flake, live and that they like Romain (sp?) lettuce. How do you feed him the lettuce? and how much? will others also eat this? how should I clean it before I put it in the tank? Any help would be great.
Ramone <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


I feed my yellow tang a variety over a week. Spirulina flakes are good. Seaweed select is good. Romaine lettuce occassionally. Rinse it well before putting it in. I have found it easier if I put it under a loose rock or shell so that it stays at the bottom. They (tang and others) pick at it better that way (on the bottom instead of on a clip on the side).


Active Member
I feed mine nori, its all natural seaweed used to wrap sushi. You can find it at orental stores and some larger grocery stores. This is a great alternitive to seaweed selects. The seaweed selects are about $5 a package and the nori is $1.59 for about four times as much. :) I soak all my foods in zoe or zoecon and once every week i soak nori in garlic juice (kyolic brand you can get it at GNC stores) The garlic juice will help the fishes immune system to fight off diseases, like ick.
By the way i feed all of my seaweed on clips, i just think it is easier. I also don't recomend feeding any type of lettuce, it has no or very little nutritional value in it. HTH


Active Member
i agree with fish freak in that giving a fish lettuce is liking feeding a freshwater fish to a lionfish...it's not part of their natural diet. Seaweed is part of their diet...lettuce is not. lettuce is fine if nothing else is available.