feeding an anemone


In the next few months I would like to add a BTA to my 125gal so I am currently in the research phaze. I saw many people post about lighting and I know I need high output lights. MH or VHO minimum but my question is how do you feed an anemone? Sorry for the dumb question :notsure:


Active Member
Just put some meaty food like mysid, clam, squid, etc. on its tentacles and it will move the food to its mouth.


I feed mine pieces of fresh shrimp & scallops , and freeze dried krill soaked in zooplex .I use plastice tweezers from petstore in reptile section .:joy:


Active Member

Originally posted by denny80688
ok next question. how do I get the food to its tenticals?? Like with a seringe?

Any way you want to. Hands, seringe, turkey baster, what ever.