feeding an anemone



well i have had an anemone for awhile now and i have been trying to feed it pieces of thawed silver sides but my clowns have been stealing the food and the anemones dont get anything..i thought they were stealing the fish to feed the anemone themselves but the female takes it behind the anemone then leaves it....i have been feeding half cube every day slow enough for them to eat it all....is there another way to feed the anemone???
i have been thinking maybe blend up some shrimp and silver sides to like a mulch and using a baster to squirt it in the moutn will that work??


I never saw clown fish stealing food from an anemone. But I have other fish in my tank that like to steal its food, not to mention the cleaner shrimp. So what I do is feed everyone first, then feed the anemone last. I give the shrimp a good chunk to keep it busy. As for the anemone you need to feed it a chunk of food (like shrimp or silverside), smaller than its mouth but still a good enough size. Put the food on its tentacles and it'll grab it and move it to the mouth by itself.


i will try to use smaller pieces today after work....i have just been using whatever size came in the block that i cut into qtrs.....it was funny last night i had hermits stacked on top of each other to try and get to the food...little ones on big ones...lol


Try getting some raw shrimp from the store and cut small pieces. I think that's better for anemones than the cubes.


well when it is thawed out its not a cube anymore it is almost a whole side of the silverside...i will try cutting it up next time and getting some shrimp