Feeding anemones?


I bought a sabae anemone about 2 weeks ago, and have yet to see him eat, I tried 3 times to feed him yesturday and the piece of silverside was stolen by my gobie all 3 times. I have been just laying the food by his mouth, is their a better way? Also I bought some live brine shrimp will they eat that? Any suggestions would be great!!!! Thanks


I kind of had the same problem. I had shrimp that would not allow mine to eat. they would steal the food. I ended up getting a Maroon clownfish and I haven't had to hand feed it since. All I do is put some cut up shrimp or something in there. The clown would take them and spit them out and feed it for me. When I brought it home it was just a little bigger then the fish...Now looking at him, he is a monster

fish sense

I'm not familiar with sebaes, but what I do for my LTA(like pictured above) is feed it when I feed the tank, so that all the fish are busy eating and less concerned with what is going on in the anemone. Good luck!


I just suck up some brine shrimp with my turkey baster and GENTLY squirt it on the tentacles.
you should get a piece of food no larger than the anenomes mouth and put it into his tentacles and he should take it
rigby- are you puting it on his tenticles in liquid form because your not supposed to because he could miss it and anenomes fill their selfs up with water and that food could be in the water and the anenome will fill up with the food and it might die


Thanks for all the good info, I have 2 perc clowns in the tank now and I had hoped they would take to the anemone but so far they have not. I will try taking the turkey baster and filling it will brine shrimp and see how that does...Thanks again!


i'll put another mark on the wood for the turkey baster. works wonders on feeding my anemone and corals.


Active Member
BRine shrimp is not enough food for an anemone. Get some Krill and soak it in ZOE. With a feeding stick place it in it's tentacles and let it pull it off. I don't like feeding any of my anemones by hand because a big killer of anemones is bacterial infections around the mouth. I could just be paranoid, but it would seem to me that hands would be a great way to transmit bacteria. As your anemone gets bigger start on silversides. I also believe people way under feed their anemones. I feed mine every other day or so. Just IMO hope it helps.


I've been feeding our Sebae smallish pieces of shrimp. Sometimes it'll let the shrimp "roll" off, but if I get close to it's mouth it'll ingest it. They seem to be pretty picky sometimes or mabe its just me. Our shrimp also steal food, but once they have some everything seems fine. Share and share alike, I guess.


I use a Turkey Baster to feed mine also and it is getting huge. At first I would put it right at his mouth. Now all I have to do is put the baster on his tentacles and he grabs the food very quickly. I feed thawed frozen food to mine, he loves it.