feeding anenomes?


New Member
i currently have 2 haitian and one carribean carpet.I am feeding them frzen krill once daily.what variety of foods should i offer and how often? thanks


New Member
I only feed my anemones once a week, but I don't think it will hurt to feed daily. They'll probably just get really big fast. If your lighting isn't strong, it may even be wise to feed so often. As to what to feed, I don't know


Active Member
My Hatian and Bubble-Tip Rose anemones all take frozen brine shrimp, silver-sides and will even snag a flake or two that the fish miss. From reading a previous post on here, I took a turkey baster and attached a piece of clear rigid air tubing to it, sealed it with some aquarium silicone, and let it dry very well. Usually get an oz or two of tank water in a small glass, melt the frozen foods in the glass, then just squirt the food in and around the anemones tentacles and mouth. About twice a week seems to be working for me. My Maroon Clown sometimes helps with any pieces of food that happen to slip by. He chases them down and brings them back to the bubble-tips. The Seabae Clown does the same ( and has taken up with the Hatian, go figure
Other than that, not sure what else they eat.
Have fun !