Feeding Anenomes


New Member
I recently got a Sea anenenenenenenome (however you spell that) and I was curious what special kind of feeding should I do in addition to my current brine/mysis/seaweed rotation I have been on for my fish/inverts. He has been in there for about 2 weeks and still seems to be doing fine but I'm not sure if he is eating or not. My LFS said he is because he "balls up" which they say is him digesting but I don't ever see more than a shrimp or two ever float his way. Any advice?


New Member
Congrats on the anemone...
I really enjoy hand feeding my anemone. He has stinging cells in his "arms" that feels really cool to the touch. I highly recommend giving it a try because he will consume anything you place within his tentacles...
Good Luck,


New Member
I used to hand feed mine, freeze dried Shrip. AND he is still alive today, 5 years later. He is in a NANO cube now so i dont know if they hand feed him anymore.


They usually like meaty foods Shrimp, clam, ect. but becarfull you dont over feed they will spit it out and leave you a mess.


New Member
So would I place a whole brine shrimp cube every couple of days? Or just a couple shrims? He sits pretty low in my tank so i won't be able to necessarily hand feed him but I'm sure I can get close.