feeding blue hippo


I have had my saltwater fish for awhile now and I have read you should feed a blue hippo a few times a day. I only feed it once a day. Is this a bad thing? Thanks!


I feed my hippo every night, sometime I might drop a few flakes in throught the day just to keep him on his toes, he has done great so far.


I either drop a piece of frozen brine/mysis/squid etc in for my tank in the morning, and at night when I get home drop a pinch of flake in. Plus, the nori clip is kept full. BTW, my hippo is a hog, however he is still skittish!


Thanks for the help. My blue hippo is still skittish also. But he also swims right out to get that food!


Active Member
My hippo is new to my tank and he's real thin. A lot of LFS keep their animals underfed so they're active in the store. right now I'm feeding all my fish two-three times a day (becuase of the new guy) and once he's established with the rest of the crew I'll start feeding 1-2 times a day.


I feed my blue everytime I think about it. I can drop food in there 5 times a day and they wil eat it. try some lettuce every now and then. maybe some broccoli. my tang has just started to patten up and he looks awesome. I have not seen one to look this well yet. i am really proud to own him. if you are only feeding him once a day, i would recommend getting some Zoe vitamins. you dont want to run the risk of a vitamin deficiency. what other fish do you have in the tank?