feeding bread crumbs?


New Member
My clown Lori has fully recovered and now she's constantly hungry. I gave her a seaweed to chew on between feedings but she will follow me wherever I go...heck, she will even nibble at my finger. I was wondering, could I feed her some bread crumbs to tame all this hunger? Has somebody tried or is this a no no?


Active Member
........? why bread?! it isnt very good for your fish because it expands so much.
every once in a while feed some pellets or flake.
and BTW. clownfish ALWAYS beg for food...... i can only see my clowns act normal when i am hidding in my rrom so they cannot see me. And then they go looking for food around the tank. At the moment they are pressing their noses up to the glass. In fact, since i am always in my room and my fish tank is right next to my bed, my femal ocelarrus actualy has a bend on her bottom lip from pushing it up on the glass all the time. And i feed them mulitple times a day. CLownfish are jsut like that.


Active Member
yeah......... wait........ what :notsure: your joking. No? Don't give bread crumbs to your fish. Give it some brine or mysis, but IMO no bread crumbs.