Feeding BTA's


Is there a good way to stop the Cleaner Shrimp from trying to steal the food from the BTA when you feed him?


it doesn't matter with my cleaner shrimp it just takes it from the anemone, even if you feed it on the other side of the tank. SO i have to just keep him away from the anemone, while the anemones eats it all up:yes:


Ok, how long should it take for the Anemone to eat the piece of shrimp, or at least get it to the point where the cleaner shrimp can't get it from them....


The Clown Fish does a fairly decent job of keeping the Cleaners away from the Anemone, but I have two Cleaner shrimp and today they overwhelmed him... But this is the first time I fed him a piece of shrimp. I have been feeding him a blended mixture that I made myself, of shrimp, fish, vitamins, and flake. I believe the Anemone got enough of that before the Cleaners got it, but they did get the bulk of the piece of shrimp... But today, I was only able to watch for about 5 minutes. Apparently that is not long enough....
Thanks, Dave


I had some rather aggressive cleaner shrimp and peppermint shrimp do much the same thing. This was quite some time ago, years even. I had in the past used a plastic strawberry basket to cover my BTA when it was eating to keep the shrimp away, and use my tongs to police the area to keep them away. Perhaps you could use some eggcrate to make a bearier of some kind to keep them on there side of the tank for a while. I know with rocks that doesn't always work.
I also used to use a shower basket to place my clowns in when I was working in the tank (then a 55 gallon) or they would do nothing but attack me, it was there time out basket that was only used for the tank, it had two of those little suction cups to attatch to the side of the tank, worked really well.


I agree with feeding the shrimp separately. I often have to give a pc to each of the 2 cleaners and CBS so that they are occupied while I feed the BTAs and bubble coral.