feeding harlequin tusk


i'm getting a harlequin tusk tomorrow & i was wondering what anyone else with one got it to eat. i'm a little nervous b/c what i read about it suggests the same foods as they do for a lionfish (offering live foods at first). the lionfish is the saltwater fish i originally fell in love with but i never got it to eat anything other than ghost shrimp (which doesn't provide the proper nourishment) & it died. i don't want that to happen to the poor tusk as well. thanks!


Active Member
A tusk is not nearly as finnicky as a lion. You should not have to worry. Most tusks that I see readily accept frozen food. If you are getting it at your lfs, ask to see it eat before you purchase. Most, if not all, stores do that now and I would not buy a fish without seeing it eat first.