The garlic soaked food is important when you detect parasites' pressence on your fish. The garlic can actually kill the parasites during its early stages. If your fish is healty, then just feed it normal food. I tried to feed mine garlic soaked food once, because I thought my sebae had parasites but then it turned out that it didn't and he didn't like the garlic soaked food.
If you want to add some stuff to your food. You can vitamins. I have no experience on doing so, but there was a post about zoecon and stuff like that about couple of days ago, those are beneficial for your fishes.
Now my friend has serpent stars, and she feeds them frozen squid. The snails will be able to survive eating algaes on your rocks or on the glass. The hermitts will survive eating left-over food on the sand bed, and some algaes. And it might also eat your snails for its new home.
About the clowns, the recommended way to feed clown is small amount several times a day. But if you don't have time, feeding them twice a day won't be a problem. The tang, I think it's fine eating the seaweed and the brine shrimp. One strip of seaweed and twice a day is for the brine shrimp is enough.
Feed them the amount that they can finish in the one minute period. Then after that one minute you can give them a little bit more. Like thewolfman likes to do it, for three minutes.
Then again it all depends on how fast your fish can eat. So good luck and do not overfeed <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />
Hope that helps...