feeding live rock?


New Member
in a previous post, a respondent (beth) stated that i should feed my live rock. so, i have to ask the question, what and how often should i feed it. i am starting a 30 gallon fowlr tank and may later convert it into a reef tank, although i think it may be too small. being new, i have no idea what to feed the live rock.
thanks for the responses


Staff member
Essentially, Live Rock is teaming with live creatures. All live animals must be fed. A combination of any quality fish foods will work. If you are starting up your tank, and only have Live Rock, feed once a day. It would be good if you can mix up some quality fish food, put some tank water in the a cup with the food, and then use a turkey baster to target feed different areas of you rock. You may find, if you look carefully with a magnifying glass, many marvelous micro creatures that will come out during feeding time that you can litterally hand feed with the turkey baster. Enjoy!


Active Member
Cool, I didnt know what you were talking about either. Thanks for explaining it Beth.