feeding marine betta


i just got a marine betta(comet) and it is very shy and does not come out ive tried puting piece of krill next to it. didnt work. ive also tried putting two pieces of krill one a rock with a rubber band holding them in place. didnt seem intersted. then i feed my whole tank frozen brine didnt come out then either. i just got it yesterday and new it might be hard to get it to feed but are thier other tricks i can try. im going to try some food in garlic later today. so can someone please help. thanks


He might just need a little more time. He might be intimidated by tank mates and just getting used to things. I would wait another day and see if he eats later tonight or tommorrow,after that then id start worrying, also try diferent foods he might not just like what you are feeding him.


they are very shy fish.... I had mine for months before he would eat for me. Must of been eating off the rock "pods and such". He comes out now but still shy and scared if any one else is in my office. This being 1 year letter


you might have to try feeder fish to get him to start eating. once he knows that your the one that gives him food, u can drop other things like krill.


grass shrimp would be a good start
with mine (in the reef) i just throw in whatever im feedin my agressive tank
so if im feeding scallops i just throw in 1 piece of scallop and out he comes to eat his food


i got some ghost shrimp and he came right out and tried to eat one. i didnt see him get it but he did chase it and came out from his cave. im going to get more tomorrow cuz that seems to be working.it was funny my 6 line wrass tried to get one but it was to big but it was funny watching him chase it. thanks for your guys help ill keep you posted if i see him eat one just glad i saw him go after one.