Feeding my Bamboo Shark


I just Bought a bamboo shark about 3 days ago. The place where I bought it form said it just hatched the same moring I bought him. They also said that he would not eat for a couple days. When should I try to feed it?? I tried today with a piece of Krill and he just swam away from it. How should I go about feeding him and what is the best food to feed him? Thanks for all your help.


is it in your 100gal??? if so it will outgrow that tank easily...sharks need a 300gal+ tank, although i think risc (the local shark expert) said that a 180 would be ok (for a while?)... as far as feeding, give it couple days and if he doesn't start eatting then maybe try asking risc...


Your lfs is right, newly hatched bamboo sharks won't eat for a while. Try squid it has a strong odor, which will make the shark eat.


Yes, squid is the overall choice of most hobbiests due to its distinctive odor. You should also remember that bamboo sharks have very very tiny mouths, especially when they are newborns. You need to chop the squid up VERY small. Probably about 1/3 of the size of the sharks head from eye to eye. He/she may also need eat for as many as 14 days. But once they get older and start eating regularly they eat just about anything. I feed mine table shrimp, squid rings, marine supreme, smelt, other shark flesh, hermit crabs, snails, you name it.. they eat it.
[ October 26, 2001: Message edited by: risc ]