Feeding my fish

s.a. boy

Hi I was just wondering if the food I'm feeding my fish is good enough
I have :
1 Powder Blue
1 Powder Brown
1 coral Beauty
1 fire goby
1 yellow tailed damsel
3 domino damsels (soon to be leaving my tank)
I feed them :
frozen Brine shrimp
frozen mixed food (It has krill brine & and somting else not sure what though)
& frozen green food (green sea weed)


Sounds pretty good, try to add some fresh chopped seafood!What size tank do you have, the powder blue and the powder brown will eventually cause problems for each other and since neither are exceptionally hardy fish it might cause a parasitic breackout, just be on the lookout for any aggression, and try and prevent anything drastic from happening.
I agree, use as fresh a food as possible. I picked up a mini food processor for like $9.99 at the dollar store. I usually mix up a batch of brine, mysis, squid, and raw shrimp, and chop it up. The fish love it, and corals too.