Feeding my green star...


I posted some time ago that I inadvertantly purchased the green predatory star. OK, lesson learned... ALWAYS research and never buy on a whim.
Now that I got him, he seems to be doing well and recovering from the dropped limbs (they're growing back nicely). My smallest fish is my favorite... my royal gramma... and I know he may be in danger. SO: I want to make sure the star is well fed. I've read that some of you feed yours "silversides", but I have not been able to determine what that is or where to get it.
I bought some fresh shrimp at the grocery store and want to cut up a slice and feed it to him. How do I get it to him? Should I skewer it on a plastic rod or something? I'm not sure how to go about getting it to him... especially since I suspect that it would float if I just dropped it in there.
Any suggestions?

my way

Active Member
Silversides are small fish, you can buy them frozen at your LFS. I use wooden kabob skewers for target feeding chunks of food. Put it on the skewer so it comes off easy.


I recently traded my green star back to the lfs ...after missing 1 blenny and 1 chromis..
for a serpentine star.. The green star had tons of personality and would pretty much
walk on all 5 to get some food..by the way it also lost all legs after being transfered to
a smaller tank.. i imagined it was stress since all water parameters were good..he did
regrow legs and was very active . i had a pair of plastic tongs which worked well for


Active Member
I will occassionally spot feed my Brittlestar pieces of krill. Anything meaty will work, really. I just put it near him and he takes it from my tongs.



Originally Posted by froznfinn
I recently traded my green star back to the lfs ...after missing 1 blenny and 1 chromis.. for a serpentine star..
I think I may be on this road. I really like my green star, but if he touches my royal gramma, he'll be missing arms involuntarily!
From everything I've read, it is a matter of when
, not if
, he'll snarf up another tank inhabitant. Not cool. I think he's going back to the lfs on Monday, if they'll let me trade for a friendlier one.