Feeding my Lionfish

Hi I just bought a voltan Lion fish small one, The man in the fish store said feed him Frozed Pawn. It falls, he looks but doesn't touch. In the meantime I bought some guppies so he wouldn't starve. He ate those no problem. How do I feed him the Frozen stuff. What method works. I want him not to starve.


Active Member
Don't feed him guppies anymore. He isn't going to starve.
It will probably be a little while before he can ingest frozen prawns. I would start out with some frozen Brine or Mysis Shrimp and see if he takes to that. If he doesn't......you might want to try live brine shrimp or live ghost shrimp and then ween him onto the frozen stuff.
A good way to get him to eat is also to soak his food in garlic extract. You can use regular garlic juice that you get if you crush garlic or you can go to a health food store and find Kyolic Garlic extract. Kent Marine also makes a great product called Garlic Xtreeme. I use this a couple times a month and it will often entice new fish to eat. Good luck.


Active Member
BTW- The reason I said not to feed guppies is because they are bad for the Lionfish. Freshwater fish carry diseases that can harm saltwaterfish as well as damage thier bellies.