feeding my mandorin


New Member
Every one says i need to feed my mandorin pods but i dont know how to get them , can i buy them prepared at the lfs?

panther g

New Member
they have to eat the live. You can get them through live rock and live sand or buy a fauna kit online. But don't put a mandarin to a new tank. The tank should be 7 months old.

slk's reef

Must provide with plenty of natural prey,which can be introduced on LR and LS.Mine is doing good and big and fat.I have plenty of pods in my tank.I see him browsing around picking at the rocks and glass :D So if you have a bunch of LR and LS it would be no problem to have one.But if you just introduced your tank there might not be any pods.then your mandarin will die because no food.once you have plenty of LR & LS you should be getting more pods.have you tank running for a couple of weeks or a month or two before buying one. ;)

slk's reef

one more thing
dont have your tank just for a couple of weeks have it for more than 2 months.I never had to wait 7 months before had tons of pods.It only took a few months.


Try going to <a href="http://ipsf.com/," target="_blank">http://ipsf.com/,</a> the have fauna kits there. They are commonly referred to a detrivore kits. They contain little critters such as Amphipods, copepods, etc.
Alot of people recommend them only to be introduced to well established tanks. A time period may be recommended, but it really depends on the amount of live food available in the tank. If there is not enough live food, pods, etc. these fish will starve to death over a few weeks to months. It is recommended you only purchase plump well fed ones. They can live on brine shrimp for a short period of time, but pods are recommended for their survival. It really is a shame when these beautiful fish are sold to customers who really do not know what and/or are not able to supply them with proper food.
If you cannot properly feed or care for this fish, please return it your LFS until you tank is ready for one.


how old is your tank?
mandarins arnt the easiest fish to care for very few eat brine shrimp.
do you have ls, lr? how much?
they require a large amount of lr to survive because they need a well populated pod population. if you have a sump or refugium that can help feed your mandarin by adding a fauna kit to it. fauna kits have pods, gammarus & mysis shrimp and other stuff but this is the main food for these fish.
i personally wouldnt add a mandarin in a tank less than a year old, even with a major pod population these fish (only 1) can descimate it down to nothing. also you could make what they call pod piles small piles of lr (rubble) in the tank put in the corner or on the side where pods can breed w/o the fish getting inside the rock to eat them. also try to avoid other fish that depend on pods also scooters being a main one, they depend on a big pod population also


if you have small then 75 gallons tank don't try to put a xis line wrass with the Madarin
from the book
Six Line Wrass will eat all copods then the madarin will starve to death