feeding my mantis shrimp

IMO NONE !!!!!!!!!!! go get your self a barbeque scewer (wood not metal) and feed him krill, squid , silver sides or store bought shrimp. Feed the mantis once every two days or so. If you want to take a chance and just see how nasty a mantis really is feed a small crayfish. But keep him on a frozen diet and he will be happier and it wont foul your tank as fast.
How big of tank do you have him in? How big is the mantis ?
My moray is on a constant changing diet of squid,large krill , shrimp, scallops and clam. He has even taken beef heart and frozen trigger formula. Thats pretty much the same thing the picasso eats as well.
You could add a crayfish. But it is hard to say if your eel would take it. If you have been feeding the eel from a stick the eel may not reconize it as food. But with an eating machine like most moray's he would probably figure it out. What kind of eel do you have ? Also it never hurts to very the eels diet. krill one day , squid the next and so on.
Most of the sea food I feed them is gotten from the deli section at the supermarket. Krill from a fish store.


If you want to feed him something live, go to the lfs and buy a damsel. this is what I do, but only every once in a while, I want to keep him eating the frozen shrimp and silversides., put a couple of crabs and snails in with him, if he wants them he will get them trust me.