Feeding my Zebra Moray


About three weeks ago, I bought a 8-inch Zebra Moray from my lfs. He seems healthy and active especially when I feed the fish (obviously). He was too slow to get any food, as my other fish are freaking pigs, so I bought him a pack of silversides. The first one I offered him, he grabbed and took off. That was a week ago, and since then he rarely comes out ever. The only time I see him is a night when the lights are out he has his head sticking out somewhere. Even when I feed the other fish he doesn't come out. Is this normal? Do eels eat less often than other fish? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


As far as I know, they do eat less often than fishes. My friend has a zebra morray who hasn't eaten for months now. It's still alive. I read it once that eels in general can stand not eating for weeks. Hope that helps.


Eels like fish sometime take some time getting use to the new tank, give him some time. What are some of the things that you have tried to feed him? You might want to try freezed dry krill soaked, most fish love that. Also try useing a feeding stick, I use one for both of my snowflakes. You might also ask the lfs what they were feeding him. Good Luck