Feeding Newborn Seahorses...

What is the best food for feeding captive bred Reidi (Hippo Camp) Seahorses?
I'm in flux with all the different ways of feeding them and not sure which is the most successful. Here's what I've heard/read. Please advise...
1) Feed baby brine (b/c it still has a yoke and is more nutrutional than adult brine
2) Feed baby brine but must decapsulate the baby brine egg because the baby seahorses can't digest it
3) Feed phytoplankton (either store bought like DT's or the like) OR
4) Make your own or by buying the Aqua Medic plankton reactor and feed it to the baby seahorses, But it also said feed the phytoplankton to the brine shrimp to enrich it.....



Active Member
Hatch baby brine shrimp from decapsulated eggs. Decaps can either be hatchable or not hatchable, so make sure the ones you get are hatchable.
Baby seahorses can't eat phytoplankton.


are they on dead food yet?...or still on live? You want to switch them over to dead food as soon as possible while they're young...or as adults you'll have to keep hatching live food...and that is a PAIN in the ass.
no, the fry isn't out yet, they've just started the mating dance. I want to be prepared. So what should I feed them when they're born?? Frozen baby brine?

darth tang

Active Member
You will NOT be able to feed them frozen anything. They most likely won't take it right off the bat. You could culture some pods and rotifers using green water (phytoplankton) ahead of time or in a refegium if you have one. This would be best but won't last long. Run a google search and you can find infoprmation on how to go about this. To long for me to explain here. Or check out the seahrseorg.
The best way and "easiest" (there is no easy way doing it yourself). Is to set up a hatchery for brine shrimp DAILY.
Or your other option is to possibly call a local aquarium. Sometimes they will try to rear them for you as long as they get to keep a few. But this option isn't available a lot.