feeding Q?


New Member
I just got a blk perc clown the other day. The fish just paces the tank, but he won't eat. The place I bought him was feeding him different food than what I was feeding my other fish. How can I get him to eat the food that I feed to the other fish. (Bio-blend pellats to nutrafin flake) Is it that he just doen't realize its food or is he still freaked? :help:


I am totally new and I don't have the answer but I am having the same problem as you. My LFS told me 1) the new fish is probably still getting use to the new surroundings and 2) after a few days if he still isn't eating, I should try "tricking" him into eating the new food by mixing in some frozen or live brine or mysis shrimp with the new food. I have tried this and my clown is evidently the only one on the planet that is scared to death of live brine and wants nothing to do with frozen brine or mysis. It's been 8 days and mine has not eaten. Maybe this theory will work for you or someone else can give us both a better idea. Good Luck.