feeding question


New Member
I have a 55gal tank with a new batch of snails, crabs, starsX4, 1 shrimp, 1 damsel and 1 gobie. I've been set up for 6-8 weeks with ammonia 0 and a bump in nitrates due to LR added. I have decreased feeding to once a day (before the inverts added) due to a modest amount of red slime alage. I have plenty of diatom for the inverts. I feed 1/2 cube brine shrimp and alternated with pellet food. How much and how often should I feed?


I'd say feed once a day, unless you start getting a major algea problem, then cut back to every other day. Only feed what can be eaten in a couple of minutes. If food is uneaten, you WILL get algea all over.