Feeding Question


Just wanting to make sure what im feeding my fish is the BEST and nothing but the BEST... I feed my fish bloodworms in the morning and brine at night, i hand feed my tang little pieces of seaweed all through out the day... is this alright for my fish? As I noticed in one of the other posts how bloodworms are "bad" for marine fish... I feed my fish aqua yums bloodworms that are made for marine fish, isnt what im feeding my fish alright? Just checkin :D


The more variety the better. Clam, and maybe squid, or prawn/plankton/krill probably wouldn't hurt. Whiteworms are good too, I think.


Active Member
well, for the best, forget the brine, although not bad, it has almost 0 nutritional value, but i am guilty too, they like it and it does not hurt