feeding question


Ive read that it is better to feed small amounts a few times a day. and my lfs says only once a day. But I have also heard of some people feeding every couple of days. What is the best way?


Active Member
Usually every couple of days this will ensure everything gets eaten and scavengers are scavenging instead of waiting for feeding time, and it also helps cut down on your nitrates. I feed every other day. I change it up with cyclops, silverside, and homemade.

al mc

Active Member
A subject with many different answers. People usually find what works for their particular application and stick with it. I feed frozen foods/pellets once a day and place algae sheets in 2x daily (several tangs).


im feeding frozen mysis shrimp and i feed pellets i aslo have a unicorn i feed krill but i know theres no waste from that


Active Member
It really does depend on what works in your tank. I feed my 12 gallon every day, only once, but only every other day in my 55; any more than that and I get cyano (red slime). It also depends on what you feed. Meaty foods are going to have less impact than something with phytoplankton in it as phyto has been implicated in cyano growth. There are also some who feed several times a day because they keep planktonic feeders; this is where they constantly just nip at a little food. A good food for that is cyclop-eeze because it's meat and can be sprinkled in every now and again.


Never had red slime. I feed once a day with different frozen formula foods, always dosed with vitamines, I feed my FW tank the same way.