OK,... I have a bicolor blennie and a yellow gobie that have lost their color and dulled. I was feeding flakes and Formula 2, but have recently started feeding only Formula 2 b/c of the color loss. Any suggestions ?
why did you stop feeding flakes? Aquarian is a good brand which I use. try feeding flakes again and see if they color up. fading color is usually a sign of bad water quality or bad nutrition. What are your tank levels?
We just started our tank about a month ago, Just bought our first fish this weekend. The guy at the LFS told us to use all frozen food, but in a book we have and were reading last night it said never use frozen gel food? Who is right, we bought 4 kinds, misis, brine, and formula 1 and 2..
the best choice is to just give as much variety as you can. Dont just feed one food all the time. Feed one type one day, another the next, and so on. If the fish dont eat a particular food though dont feed it as it will just mess up your levels.
Loss of color and shabby appearance is also a strong indicator of stress which could be caused by numerous issues within your tank. Check all your water perameters as well.