feeding schedule


would someone give me a little advice on a feeding schedule. i feed frozen food once daily and on occasion i'll mix some flake with it.i'm concerned that this may be too much.any advice would be appreciated.


small amounts more often is better than one big feeding in my opinion. as long as they eat it all up it's ok.
Just like byrself said...
Also, you should feed LIVE food too along with flake and frozen. Live food is much more healthy and the fish feel more like they would feel in there natural habitat by having to chase there food around the tank. What kind of frozen food by the way? Brine, blood worms, krill, squid, shrimp, sea weed, etc?

nm reef

Active Member
Depends on the size of your system and the amount of livestock you are feeding. I've gotten into the habit of feeding both my 55's every other day. Last night was feeding time....just to give an example of my feeding schedule here was the menu for the reef....2 cubes frozen mysis/3 caps full of DT's phytoplankton(this was poured into the reef after thawing)...thawed silversides and sea plankton(direct fed to numerous corals). This food was for 40+ corals and 4 fish.I do tend to feed heavy compared to some members but this method has worked well for me and my system. Plus I do alter the food...numerous frozen types/flakes/dt's/fresh stuff now and then. Most foods either have zoe added or once a week a bit of garlic. Important thing is to not over feed to the point it effects the water quality. :cool:


Well I say it also depends on what fish you have. For example, if you have clownfish, it is recommended to feed small amounts several times a day. I feed my sixline twice a day, about a syringe of thawed brine shrimp. She finishes it with help from my cleaner shrimp.


i have 1 False Clown,1 Blue Damsel and 1 Four Strip Damsel.I feed 1/2 cube of a frozen food called Formula One that according to the ingredients contains all that Bob mentioned and all the other critters eat it as well.Thank you for the advice