Feeding shrimp


I have three shrimp in my tank. A Coral Banded, a Cleaner and a Peppermint. The Cleaner will eat out of my hand and sometimes the Peppermint will too although he's very skittish. I'm mostly worried about the Coral Banded. Can't get near him and I'm wondering if he's going to starve to death or might there be enough for him to eat by scavenging around. ????


they are good scavengers mine seems to eat mostly in the dark
when feeding my tank it seems he doesn't eat but in the dark he finds food
if your really worried get a turkey baster and blow food in his direction


I should have mentioned that I only haev had him since Thursday and when I got him acclimated he disappeared immediately. Yesterday morning I found what I thought was him dead floating around in the filter wash. Now today I look behind a pile of rocks and there he is just kinda hanging out. So obviously he molted right away when I got him. I guess now he's in hiding until his new shell hardens up. I'll do the turkey baster thing as now I know where he is. I'm probably more worried about the whole thing then he is....LOL....These shrimp and crabs I have are the coolest things.


mine stays hidden behind rocks. my other shrimp "blood shrimp" and arrow crab are all over. I've noticed it's very common for inverts to molt after being acclimated to new tanks even cucumbers


Active Member
Originally Posted by jakebtc
mine stays hidden behind rocks. my other shrimp "blood shrimp" and arrow crab are all over. I've noticed it's very common for inverts to molt after being acclimated to new tanks even cucumbers

i just got my blood shrimp last thursday, and molted in transite ...lol


Well I tried them all with some frozen squid this afternoon and the Peppermint went nuts. Grabbed a good sized piece and has been hanging under a rock chewing on it ever since. Good to know that they prowl around at night too. The Coral Banded has been out more and more as the day wore on. Interesting to know that they sometimes molt in transit or shortly after.


yeah inexperienced people of inverts think they kill them the first morning lol
then they see the antennas sticking out from a rock and they're like wtf?...I have a dead one and a new one lol
still catches me by surprise in the mrning when the light comes on every time I think


Nice pic. I have a Fire shrimp also, I love him, I think more than my coral banded. My coral banded is pretty skittish also(still). I have had him for a good while(1 year). The fire shrimp as soon as I got him he was eating out of my hand. Now when I feed my fish mysis he rushes out from wherever he is(usually under carpet anemone) and sticks his little claws up the turkey baster and pulls the shrimp out before I can squeeze the bulb. He cracks me up, he will get as much as i will let him and tuck it under himself like a lil packrat and then hide to eat and then before i finish feeding the fish he is back out again.
If someone would explain to me how to put pics on here I would take some pics of me feeding him, you are sure to get a laugh!!!!!!!