Feeding snails


New Member
I have another question that is related to my last one. What and how do you go about feeding snails? do they just provide for themselves? What about crabs? - Thanks :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by dt
I have another question that is related to my last one. What and how do you go about feeding snails? do they just provide for themselves? What about crabs? - Thanks :notsure:
Also every now and then I add a few shrimp pellets for the crabs and I put in an algea sheet for the snail - just once in a while. If you feed them to much then they won't do their jobs. I mainly feed the crabs because if they get to hungry they may go after snails.


From my freshwater experience I found that snails need absolutely no work on your part to stay alive—in an established tank they have ample algae and whatnot to feast on. With regards to crabs, I found that they mostly enjoyed a diet of the pellets I fed my bottom feeders as well as junk in the gravel. Without the bottom feeders, I found the crabs did fine on their own. I would be careful about actually "feeding" the crabs regularly, since they probably will not be able to consume all of what you feed them. You could supplement their diet from time to time as mil suggested helping keep them healthy—just make sure it doesn't rot at the bottom.


New Member
Thank you very much.. I got 5 Nassarius snails and 5 Trochus today. My LFS was out of turbos so wasn't able to get any of them yet. I will be back there to claim some soon though. :jumping:


Active Member
do not feed your snails they will get food that falls to the sand. IF you feed your snails or over feed your tank your snails will not do there job. Make them work for there meals.


New Member
Wont damsels and clowns eat everything is sight though? Will they even let anything fall to the bottom? :notsure: