feeding snowflake question


Snowflake eel question. I have a 6" eel and I have read that feeding it every 3 days is ok but nowhere can I find how much to feed it. This eel would eat all day.. I fed it a chunk of aqua yums this morning and it was gone in no time. Was thinking of giving it a piece of krill tonight and then not feed it for 3 days. Thanks.


I feed my SFE 2 or 3 times a week. I don’t think you can overfeed an eel. My eel will eat until it is full and quit eating. It is around 8 inches or so long. I took 3 wooden skewers and rubber banded them together. I stick the food on the end of the skewer and make the eel follow the food to the top of the tank. I usually feed my eel around 3 to 6 pieces of krill each feeding. Because the eel is at the water surface when feeding, he will return to his hideout when he is full. So I feed him until he is no longer interested in eating. You can do the same thing with raw cut up shrimp. My eel loves raw seafood. I once read (post from SWF.com) that feeding your eel often will make it grow faster. Lorin :)


New Member
I tried a SFE a long time ago. I ended up having to take him back to my lfs because he was a little too active. By that I mean he went surfing a couple times and was aggresive when hungry.
anyways... I hand-fed him twice a day (I had to or he would attack the other fish) 2-3 small pieces of krill. good luck


Active Member
Mine probably eats 3 times a week. He's about 12" and 1 to 1.5 medium shrimp and he's fine. It's not always shrimp. Sometimes, squid, octupus, fish, mussels. Try not to give him the same thing twice in a row. Just stay with it and you'll come to know his needs.
Good Luck!