Feeding Tangs


Just wanted to know what is the best thing to feed my 2 tangs.
I have a 4 inch naso and a 3 inch kole. I leave Hanmi seaweed out all day but they dont seem to like it. The only thing I see them eat is bitting on my live rock.


Active Member
How are you presenting the seaweed? Do you have it rubber banded to a rock or on a sea weed clip. I use the clip beacuse its easier. If they haven't eaten off it yet, give them time. They will find it and when they do, watch out, it'll be gone in no time. You can also soak the sea weed in some liquid or fresh garlic. That seems to stimulate feeding and its also very good for their immune system.


Active Member
Try Julian Sprung's Sea Veggies or Seaweed Selects. They are dried seaweed sheets that can be purchased at most LFS...
Good luck.


they will eventually take to the seaweed after they finish picking off most of the liverock goodies for them. my naso did the same thing until the rock ran out and then he started on the seaweed.


I use a piece of PVC and a rubber band to help me from putting my hands in the tank so often. Can you buy liquid garlic at the LFS


Active Member
Yes you can buy liquid garlic products at LFS. I've tried some stuff made by Kent, but i like Koylic liquid garlic better. you can pick that up at some GNC health food stores. You can also crush a few cloves of fresh garlic and add a couple teaspoons of tank water to it. you can soak your seaweed in this for a five minutes than add to the tank.


Active Member
When I first got my tangs, I kept feeding Julian Sprung's Sea Veggies. The tangs devoured it. However, they also made a mess of it. They would tear it off and it would float away, only to be caught in the sump.
I will only feed that rarely now. I feed Spirulina flakes now, and the tangs, along with everything else in the tank loves them. And not one flake hits the bottom. The tangs are brightly colored, happy and healthy.


Active Member

Originally posted by Buzz
When I first got my tangs, I kept feeding Julian Sprung's Sea Veggies. The tangs devoured it. However, they also made a mess of it. They would tear it off and it would float away, only to be caught in the sump.

We had the same problem... then we started using the feeding clips with the plastic grid. You fold the algae sheets up tight and put them inside the grid. It forces the tangs to pick off small pieces and prevents them from tearing off huge chunks.
Here's a pic of the type of clip we use...