Feeding Time!!!


New Member
I see the question often..."Are you feeding too much??" What is" too much" I have 3 chromis,pyjama , clown, large yellow tang,7 hermit crab, 4 snails ( 2 turbo, 2 marg. ), cleaner shrimp, bubble and color tube anemone.All happy in a 30 gal w/around 25/30 lb LR.Feed w/ flake food, filter feeder food,frozen brine,dryed seaweed.


Active Member
First of all a 30 gallon is way too small for a large tang. They like to swim back and forth a lot and require a lot of room to do so. Tangs need at least a 75 gallon! Maybe if the tang was really small you could have it but if its a large tang definitely no.
And you know if your feeding too much if there is uneaten food on the bottom of your tank. I use this method, feed as much as the fish can consume in a 3-5 minute period.
Also just curious, how long has your tank been setup for?


New Member
Carrie, tang hide in LR most of the time.Thats the same method on the back of the food container. Tanks been up since Sept 01.
Mr. flameangel Does where I live effect my feeding....sorry I was born a S.A. North GA :D

ed r

I wouldn't expect a large yellow tang to be hiding in the live rock. If he is healthy and happy, he should be out and about, swimming in the open water (if there is some) and picking at algae growth on the rocks and glass. Yellow tangs are somewhat aggressive fish. I don't think the chromis or a clown should scare it in the least. I hope the tang is as happy as you suggest, but I agree that tangs really need large tanks. My 55g is also really too small for most types of tangs, unfortunately because they are such beautiful fish. I wish you luck with them.


hey cardinal.....everybody likes a little ass, but nobody likes a little smart ass......
PLEASE do some more research before adding a tang to your tank!! A 55 is TOO small to sustain a healthy tang.


I agree that tangs need bigger tanks. I've progressed through the years from 5 gallon tanks to 180. I too, always wanted the beauty of tangs in my tanks. I have found that 29, 40 and 55 are just too small for them. My 120 was even questionable but was ok. My 180 has seen a very happy yellow tang swimming around, stopping to pick on some LR and then swimming the length of the tank again. It almost looks like a race. I think the tang likes this workout of swimming. I also have a pacific blue tang that does the same thing. They really like to swim fast and as far as they can.
I feed my fish one time per day. I try to offer them three feedings during the feeding. Does that make sense? That is, I feed them three small amounts during the feeding so they quickly eat up everything I feed them. The tank just comes to life at this time! My hermits all start scavenging around the tank. My Coral Banded Shrimp and my Cleaner shrimp start scouring the sand looking for leftovers. Feeding time is my favorite time of the day.


Active Member
Right on BM! I do the same thing. That way, you can experience almost like three feedings a day, all at once. Plus it allows for the fish to get more of the food. Great minds think alike, or is that for themselves?