feeding tips for snowflake eel?


New Member
i bought him yesterday on saturday. he is a snowflake that is 2 feet long and 2 inches deep. he dosent eat. i tried those frozen shinner fish.(they are really long and silver, dunno if thats the rite name), and i tried brine shrimp. how long does it usually take for them to eat, and when and what is the best time to feed him?


Active Member
try squid and freeze dried krill, they are both snowflake delicacies. my eel will eat one day, and then not eat for several days, once it fasted for a week. mine eats silversides, brine, mysis, krill, squid, and clams. bo


New Member
My snowflake only eats every couple of days, with mine you can tell when he is hungry because he will start to emerge from his rock and look around a little. The rest of the time he just sticks his head out about a half inch. I feed him krill, frozen shrimp, and squid. He really likes the squid.
Your guy might still be a little nervous so I would not worry yet, they can go quite a while without eating.
Anyway, thats what I would try.


How are you feeding him the food? I use a pair of aquarium tongs to stick the food down by my snowflakes mouth. It seems like he eats much quicker. It also helps to keep him from roaming the tank to search for food, which lessens the chance of him accidentally biting a tankmate since they don't see very well and also lowers the chance of him jumping out of the tank.


New Member
I just toss it in there, but the way my tank is set up there is a current that puts the food right in front of his face so the whole roaming the tank thing is not a problem. He in fact like to come out and swim for about a half hour after the lights go off every night, I have no idea why. I do not think it has anything to do with him being hungry because it does not matter whether he has just eaten or not.
When he was younger, and smaller, I used to impale his food onto a bamboo skewer because if he bit down on it I figured it would be less likely to hurt him.
Overall he just finds the food with no problems as long as it ends up in his neighborhood of the tank. He seems to have all of the places where the food will come to rest memorized and checks those out shortly after it has been put in the tank, the only problems I ever get is sometimes other fish wil come over and try to take a bite, but he gives them a wicked looking grin and they move away. He has never actually bit any of my fish so I am not too afraid of this. I guess one day he could go crazy and start eating everything, but he seems to be pretty even tempered.


Active Member
Hi there, and Welcome to the board, Ok don't stress if he hasn't ate yet, he is new to your tank and may still feel stressed. Just keep offering him food, ours loves crab, squid, are baby will eat Formula 1. Give him a few days to feel comfortable, I'm sure he will start to eat for you. Be patient!
Also you might want to check with the lfs to see what they we're feeding him, most often than not they we're feeding him live food, so you may need to ween him off that to frozen foods. Later Lisa