Feeding Vegetables



I've just started a marine aquarium and have been frequently going to Pets at home to get my water tested and I'm currently at the stage of having the cleaner crew in there. However I was thinking of getting a pair of tank raised clown fish to start off with soon after the Cleaner Shrimp have settled.
I was wondering what kind of vegetables I can feed the clownfish and shrimp and how would I go about it, such as freezing them ect as well as New Era Pellets?


First of all WELCOME aboard! I am fairly new at saltwater tanks myself. The biggest thing I can suggest to you is take your time and go slowly. Don't rush and make a mistake. Let your CuC get acclimated to is surroundings. May I ask why you want to go with veggies and shrimp? We currently feed our Clowns some pellets made for them they love them and so does everything else in the tank.
Good Luck and welcome again!


I wouldn't be feeding the shrimp on vegetables, this is for later down the line, I just remember glancing at something about feeding small amounts of vegetables to stable aquariums as a treat and a change from pellets? My Shrimp are on New Era Pellets at the moment!


The clowns need protein, something veggies is not going to provide. I prefer fresh and frozen preparations to flakes and pellets.
The CUC will eat the left over food from the clowns as well as the waste from them.
Look into some frozen brine shrimp w/ Omega-3s (spirulina brine), small Mysis, cyclop-eez, or even Marine Cuisine.
If they're babies, they won't need to be fed much, so be careful as overfeeding can lead to problems, especially in a new tank.
As for veggies, angels, tangs and algae blennies will sometimes accept fresh spinach leaves, romaine lettuce leaves, and red leaf lettuce.