Feeding Yellow Tang


Active Member
I have Pro Salt Pro V 100% vegetable. Its a frozen green sheet. Guy at LFS said break a small piece off and feed everyday. I also have 2 clowns in there and they seem to like the stuff too. How much and how often should i feed?

sinner's girl

I know nothing about that food, but I'd feed whatever they will eat, whatever they'll eat in a few minutes. I'd feed some meaty food for the clowns also. I feed 6/7 days, some people every other day, others twice a day. It really depends on your tank.
Tangs like to eat all day, so you may want to get some of the seaweed to put in the tang.
If you notice your nitrates go up, then you might need to feed less. Do you have a good clean up crew?


lol i did the ghetto route i throw a piece of romane lettice under a rock every week or so
and i still feed them flakes every day

sinner's girl

I'm not sure romane lettice will work for the long term...but I could very well be wrong. It's been years since I had one.


Active Member
those frozen veggies should be a good supplement to the diet, but a cheaper and just as healthy thing to feed tanks is toasted Nori from the health food store, it is used to make sushi. It is simply toasted seaweed. Very good for tangs.