

:notsure: what if you can't reach anemone to feed it ? Do I move all my live rock to get to it? It is a bubble and my tomato clown is in love with it.


As long as it is getting proper lighting then it is getting fed, lighting is far more important than weekly feedings, some don't agree with me on that. I do say to feed the anemone but make sure its getting what it really needs light. Anemones have zooxanthellae which live within them, Zooxanthellae are single-celled plants that live in the tissues of animals. They are dinoflagellates, a group of microscopic plants, and as such need photosynthisis. Yes it can get some help from food that is eventually broken down for nutrition, but I believe Light is the main key to success with an anemone.
Many folks overfeed anemones and this leads to water quality problems. I have gone 2 months +or- without feeding my BTA's directly.
Sorry I seem to have stepped up on a soapbox for a moment.
If your anemone is in a hard to reach spot then try using a turkey baster to squirt some meaty food into it. If it remains there for more than 2 weeks then you can try pointing a power head in its direction to convince it to move. You can even attach some airline tubing or other tubing onto the tureky baster if you have to try to squirt around a hard to reach area.
Mysis shrimp, silversides, krill, frozen zooplankton squid, chopped shrimp, cyclopezee, most anything will work even flake food. I would not recommend frozen brine, unless you can add a vitamin suppliment to it.
Feed once or twice a week, observe to see if you need to do more or less, its up to you.