

New Member
I was wondering if it is okay to feed my fishes only brine shrimp. Do I need to switch up the food type to keep my fishes healthy? I have a Firefish, a Coral Beauty, a polka dot Boxfish, and a tomato clown.


Since you have a Coral Beauty, I would recommend varying the diet a bit more. All Angels need a good variety of foods to survive and thrive. I would suggest getting some seaweed selects for him to graze on, some formula 1 or 2 (angel formula), and maybe even some spirulina for him. All of the other fish will eat the formula 1 or 2 as well. The problem with brine shrimp only is that it does not contain many vitamins or plant nutrients that many fish need to do well. You could also try soaking your brine shrimp in zoecon or selcon to increase it's nutritional value, but I would still vary the diet for the Angel, they need greens to graze on.


The more you can switch up your food and give your fish a better varity of food the better off they will be. Also try soaking your food for a while in vitamens before you feed it to your fish. You will be supprised with the results.


New Member
I've noticed that my Beauty has been pecking my live rocks and sand for algae. Should I take that as a sign for more veggies.


Yes. My Coral Beauty eats all day long. He eats algae like crazy, but he also loves the seaweed selects. I just attach some to a piece of dead coral every other day and he eats it up. He's happy and well fed.


Zoe from Kent Marine and Selcon from ??? are the two vitamin products I know about. They're not too pricey and they seem to work very well.


I have something called vita-chem from Boyd Enterprises, Inc. Anyone know about this stuff?
It says to soak food 5 times a week and put 2 drops per gal. once a week -- directly in the water I assume...