

Just a question, how do you people feed things like brine shrimp? If I just drop pieces in it usually ends up on the bottom with no one eating it (none of my fish will eat anything off the bottom). So I've started feeding by hand, both of my clowns have very readily accepted food if I hold it in my fingers, and my fire fish finally has started too. I've ended up with ALOT less waste. Other question is, should I not do this? I flush my hand of with water (no soap) for a while before I put it in the tank. Can anything on my skin leech bad things into the water?


no...your hand is just fine, but it is somewhat easier if you use a syringe with a large enough hole for brine, that is how i feed my polyps and my fish just squirt a few in their faces and they'll readily accept it.......also a good way to get yellow polyps to grow......


most fish wont eat if if it is still frozen i add a little water to it and let it thaw and when i add the vitamins i let it soak in them for about 20 minutes or so that way as it thaws the vitamins have a chance to soak in. i use a turkey baster to shoot it in the tank. some are more aggressive feeders than others and this is a good way to make sure everybody gets fed even the slower moving fish.