

I finally got my first fish after what seems to be 3 years of cycling... ok maybe 2 months. He's a Percula Clown, everything went well with tranfer, acclemating and adjusting to the new tank. The little guy is full of energy

My Question. I got frozen Mysis Shrimp and he loves it, as does my new Cleaner Shrimp (he'll come grab it out of my hand). I give him a good pinch full but he still seems hungery chasings specs of anything. What's a typical feeding for one of these guys? And is the constant swimming around for more food a normal habit?


You should feed your fish 1-3 times a day if possible. But only enough food each time for them to feed (swim around eating every last spec) for about 2-3 mins. I try to vary the food I give my guys, flakes one day, frozen vitamin fortified food the next.
Their stomachs are only about as big as their eyes, and fish are like dogs in that they will just keep eating, even after being full... gluttons. If your fish is eating food, and then spitting it back out, he either didn't like the taste of it, it didn't go down right, or there isn't any room left in his stomach. You can usually figure out which one it is by watching them eat. ie. If he's been eating for a minute or two and then starts spiting food back out, he's probably full.


Active Member
Not to disagree with you but many on this forum believe fish should be fed every other day or every third day. On the reef fish don't get meals that often. They are constantly searching for food and in the home aquarium they will pick at the rocks and substrate. A lot of carnivores can be classified as omnivores when there is no meaty food present.


Interesting. I've always heard 1-3 times a day. I may have to back and recheck my research. Personally, my fish usually only get fed once a day (same with most fish people I know), but that's just because I'm not home that often (same with them). On the weekends I usually get to feed them twice a day (flake in the morning and frozen in the afternoon). I suppose though that does make sense for the omnivores and carnivores to only eat every other day. Most land predators only eat about once a week.
not the most authoritative source, but the article here sounds fair.


Active Member
I read the article and understand where you are coming from. I've created a new thread with a poll question here How often do you feed? lets see what people do. I'm interested as well but have read on here numerous times that a lot of people do not feed daily.