

I have a 29g biocube and i was wondering how much and how often I should feed the tank. Right now i have one clown, one diamond goby, and two small clown gobies. I have flake food, some pellet food, frozen mysis shrimp and some kind of tiny red frozen shrimp. I also have a cleaner shrimp, pepermint shrimp, emerald crab, and some snails too.
another question... what and how do you feed an open brain coral, it they even eat at all?


Active Member
Frequent feedings (twice a day or so) and feed your critters only as much as they can consume. you shouldnt have an excess of food hitting the sandbed or flowing into your filter. Alot of people turn thier filter off during feeding. Feed a variety- the more the merrier, variety is key. ***) :happyfish
Corals usally eat reef snow type foods. Try phytoplankton, or larger ones like Zoplan- little particles that can be eaten by corals. Some corals have specific feeding requirements, do your research. Most corals also depend on light as thier primary food source- but not all do.