

I have a very large rainbow "cortez" wrasse and he is extremely active. always seems like its hungry and grabs everything in sight. Has even gobbled down smaller fish. How often do I feed without overfeeding tank


Active Member
Awesome Tank...
My Lunare was a piggy as well.
Couple questions. How often do you feed? Do you feed your tangs and Emperor seaweed? I would doubt the wrasse would eat that if you do? I doubt he the "alpha" fish in there with that big Emporer, i.e. if he is killing other fish, it is for food not territory IMO.


The wrasse eats anything!!!!!! I do feed them seeweed and they all love it.

Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Awesome Tank...
My Lunare was a piggy as well.
Couple questions. How often do you feed? Do you feed your tangs and Emperor seaweed? I would doubt the wrasse would eat that if you do? I doubt he the "alpha" fish in there with that big Emporer, i.e. if he is killing other fish, it is for food not territory IMO.