Female clown going crazy


I did a water change and cleaned the back of the tank with this new scraper sponge thing that I just got.
It worked a little too good. My female clown saw her reflection and went crazy banging her head and body into the back of the tank. I finally had to take down half of the blue background on the back of the tank. She still found it so I put paper towles in the back so I wouldn't have to take down all of it.
Man, what a pain!


Off topic, but did you buy your Live Rock with the purple stuff on it? I want my LR to look like that
Mine is currently crappy brown. any tips


Thats very weard. My blenny would do that with hs reflection but never my clown.
The coraline alge will grow over time if you keep your water in good condition and have your calcium and trace element lvls where they should be.

reef diver

Active Member
Well the female thinks it is another female, so she tries to drive "thje female" out of her territory.